Enrique Martinez was born in the old
Costa Blanca town of Cocentaina in 1953. He started to paint at very
young age, obtaining several awards and accolades as a highly
talented teenager. He went on to study painting and drawing at the
Fine Art School in the nearby city of Alcoy moving on to the
Universidad de Alicante. His mesmerising oil paintings depict
tranquil shores inspired by the beaches of his home, populated by
serene groups walking beneath the big open skies. His unusual
approach to these scenes has led him to use pastel shades and subtle
details rather than to work with a more conventional palette of
vibrant colours, and this stylistic decision lends a certain
mystique to these beautiful and engaging images. Enrique has
participated in numerous exhibitions and competitions across Spain
and has built an impressive array of awards. His work can be found
in both private and public collections in Europe and United States.